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Instructors: Mark Sheskin and Sam Johnson

Location: Taylor Library (SSS 201)

Time: Wednesdays, 10am - 11am (we may go later some weeks), from June 14 to July 19


This workshop will introduce you to basic statistical concepts and tests; orient you to commonly used software packages such as Excel, SPSS, and R; and give you experience with scientific writing in a friendly environment. It will consist of six weekly sessions, combining lecture, discussion, and software demonstration.


The workshop also includes the opportunity to get practice and feedback on your statistical skills and scientific writing, through weekly exercises. These exercises are optional, but strongly encouraged. Most will involve real data taken from published psychology articles. We will provide detailed feedback on submitted assignments, but not grades (since this workshop is not for credit). If you choose to do the exercises, submit them by email to both instructors by the following session in order to receive feedback.


Tentative course schedule (please click below for lecture slides, data used for demonstrations, and exercises):


Session 1 (June 14): Basic Concepts

* Lecture slides (pdf) (pptx)

* Exercise 1: Experimental Designs (due June 21 by email to both instructors)

Session 2 (June 21): Working with Data (Excel)

* Excel demonstration (survey link) (start) (finish)

Session 3 (June 28): t -Tests (Excel)

* Excel demonstration (start) (finish)

* Exercise 2: t -Tests and Descriptives in Excel (due July 5 by email to both instructors)

* Data for Exercise 2

Session 4 (July 5): Analysis of Variance (SPSS)

* SPSS demonstration in class using Session 3 data

Session 5 (July 12): Linear Regression (R)

* Instructions for downloading R and RStudio (also see R cheat sheet)

* R demonstration (data) (code)

Session 6 (July 19): Researcher Degrees of Freedom


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